judy: please pick up on that, ben ginsberg. do you see as an appropriate remedy at the federal level for what concerns you? ben: there will always be concerns about federally legislative elections on the state and local level. but there are parts of the bill, of h.r.1., that could be done, but the democrats are making a huge tactical error, if they really care about these election situations and even about the voting rights situations, in having so many other provisions in this bill. you talked before about how republicans are trying to tilt election results by the state that is true. -- state legislation. that is true. but the democrats are trying to do the same thing in s.1 through a number of provisions that are just designed to give them a political advantage. so, if they actually want to deal with the voting issues, it's time to kind of do the obvious and concentrate on those issues and strip away the other provisions. judy: we are just about out of time. bob bauer, do you agree with th, that that's whatemocrats are doing?