. >> ben jacob. >> the shift tab especially taxing on their sons. their oldest recently asked his mother a question. >> he wanted to know when we were going home. i said we're home, see there's the space needle, safeco field we're home. he inside, mom we've just been on vacation. we've been on vacation here in seattle too long. it made me feel like from the mouth of babe, maybe we should listen to him and go home. >> they decided to stick it out. they found a diverse school, 45 minutes away. it's a long drive but worth it, if it means their kids won't be the only black ones in their class. >> when you're the one of one as my wife put it, you're to play that role and you speak for all black people, so a black issue, so to speak black issue comes up, everyone's looking to hear what you have to say because now you're the spokesperson at seven for all black people in america and that's a lot for a child to bear. >> great job. >> the growing pains of unchartered territory as they create a new definition of community. tanya mosley, al jazeera seattle. >>