ben jealous? >> you know, he was so smooth about it.t was so seductive about julian, even for those who wanted to oppose him, is that his logic was assisting. it made sense. and he presented it in a way you wanted to say, "me, too." in the end, there only two people on the 64 member board who voted against us, now is absolutely because he took the time to when folks over and when he made his case, it was very hard to say no. amy: and by mental activism, ben jealous. >> you know, there was a time when i was ceo and i was called by the ceo of the sierra club and asked to lock myself to the white house gay gates with him o oppose the keystone pipeline, i knew it was going to be controversial. so i called julian and he said, "i'll go." and that is what was so wonderful about him, he was always courageous come always willing to be on the cutting edge and always willing to help lead and willing to be part of the leadership team. and so humble while being so powerful. i said to him once, tell me about the march on washington. he was somebody w