it is now my great pleasure to introduce ben mcintyre and david kippen. >> thank you. lovely. wonderful. well, thank you for coming. it is lovely to see you here and thank you andrea. good, thank you for inviting me to do this because i'm incredibly honored to be here with ben mcintyre whom many of you know about his work and you get to listen to him. it has been a thrill reading this book on which i complement you, and you are every interviewers dream, not only because of fear area of talent, but you also brought a slideshow for show and tell. >> on my holiday. >> how long did you work on this book? >> i have been working on this for quite a long time, i first wanted to start writing about eight years ago but i started in earnest about 2 1/2 years ago. well, that is a long holiday. >> yes, by all means, show us what you did on your 2 1/2 your summer vacation. >> okay, so thank you very much for inviting me again, it is great to be back. let me paint a picture. so, on may 5th, 1980, i was 17 years old and i was watching the final in the uk, if you are 17 in 1980, it was incred