energy is far and away the best sector today a number of stocks -- back to you. >>> hollywood actor ben mckenzieles on "the o.c." and "gotham." now he was recently profiled in "new york times", and now he's attending a major crypto-conference down in miami. ben, welcome to the broadcast. thank you so much for being here >> you and i have had this weird relationship where we talk over e-mails about all kinds of subjects, starting with corporate espionage, now on to cryptocurrency how did you get from hollywood to a crypto-conference today in miami. >> it's a long story, i'll try to keep it short save it for the book we have coming occupy next year, "easy money. i haven't used it much in 20 years, the dismal science is not something you talk around the table at hollywood productions, but over the pandemic i had a lot of time on my hands. so i took a look i took gary gensler, the head of the s.e.c.'s course on blockchain and cryptocurrency at m.i.t. he made it available for free online, so i took it 24 hours later, i had a lot more questions. you know, i'm somewhat skeptical. it's thought of as a z