ben rhoades said over and over again, the president is going to meet with ssents, with pro choosing. thererwill be ten to 15 of them. he's going to meet with them and give them his support and hear their concerns. that would be a good thing, wouldn't it? >> sure. the problem is -- first of all, let's see the list. second of all, a meeting is good. but a meeting is not going to cover up for the fact that the images are going to be around the world are the images of the u.s. president socializing and have a good 'ol time with a dictator. the mesge that sends is this whole thing about changing government in cuba,@hat's not a priority anymore. we're not really focused on that. we've accepted this as thehe legitimate leaders of this should. sure we'll give lip service to democracy. but a meeting with dissidents and democracy actors on the island is not going toe able to make up for the fact that the president and the images the world is going to see is that of the american president with his arm around and basically socializing with and sending a powerful image that we accept theastro gov