controller >> good afternoon, ben rosen fieldsism i'll very briefly walk through highlites of the budget for the coming year. the office work is cleesly aligned with the cities financial cycle so we are involved with thou city manages its money. this is a functional cycle that shows how our work flowsism we are involved in projecting city revenue and economic impact. we assist boat the mayors office and board of supervisors in the prepivation of cities annual budget. we then, once that budget is adopted by the board, we work to monitor, control and report on spending over the course thf fiscal year. we then as the fiscal year unwind we spend time reviewing, auditing, assisting and helping development recommendations for the department and policy makes to improve city operation which hopefully ends up the fiscal year cycle. we help this feels like a vuch ws psychosqul we spend a lot of time organizing our work around it. a couple key highlite toods hit a couple of them, i won't read through the slides, but generally speaking we spend a lot of time as a controllers office modernizing the c