dons oopleigned up and ben toontact him to help organize things. city councilman tostrand took e lead on introducing and pushing for this ordinance. he points out that there are numerous public benches and plters where people can safely siand not block the flow of pedest trafficn these sy eas. trygve and the other protestors will hold an oranitial meeting a week frosunday ... universast crch onorth tejon prepare for this act of civil disobedience. it's worth noting that council s said that officers will first ise written rnings. those will be followed by tickets for upo 500 dollar subsequentonvictions could carry penalties of up 90 days in ja. andy kn ne 5 new at 5. jury secon is underway in the trial of a wom---accused of cutting an unborn baby from a longmont wom's womb last year. following for you. dynel lane is accused of luring michelle wilkens to a baseme and cutting the baby from her lly. wilkens surved---her baby did not. abt 300 pontial jurors were summoned to the boulder county courthouse todato fill ouwritten questionnaires. lanes arged