this is a brand new book ben wetzel published from cornell university press it it looks a little bit like going to be yet one more book one more hand-wringing book about the toxicity of christian nationalism. this is not what this book is christianity, warfare and national identity 6919 20 chapters on civil war, spanish-american world war one two major chapters on world war one. one looking at the social gospel clergy kind of thing i did in my book 20 years ago, looking at the more liberal mainline social gospel for promises of. national redemption, international redemption, social transformation. so he has one of those chapters looking at leading social gospel clergy and the next chapter is a stand alone chapter on the lutheran church. missouri synod. that's how i found this article from the presbyterian journal the presbyterian of the south and he is calling for exactly what needs to be done. we we talk a lot about those who are like the silenced voices of history and so on. well, there are silence, other silence. in the case of the study of the first world war historians, almost t