deduction will cost you and the mortgage deduction will cost you but you're more likely to be a ben wisbeneficiaryof a inheritx and passthrough income because you're a business owner so at the higher end of the income bracket you're more likely to have those offsets and what we consider the middle-class in the bay area you're likely to see a tax increase, but, again, depending on your particular situation. and then we are beginning to look at what this could mean for san francisco's economy as a whole because what does it mean to different industries such as real estate or technology companies and there's a lot of provisions about offshore revenue and it's pretty dynamic discussion at this point and we haven't really yet captured the effect of that. a brief word on the federal budget, it's kind of more of the same. the government is currently operating under a continuing resolution that expires tomorrow and the view is that the most likely outcome is that another continuing resolution will be passed to carry the government through december 22nd and then another one some time in january. so the bes