this is ben witter, on an exercise ball. he's got a wedge and a driver. bouncing the ball on the wedge, tosses the ball up, hits the ball with the driver. >> nice. >> can you believe this? this is crazy. did this guy step out of ringling brothers? >> looks like he belongs on the surface floor. >> he's got a website, ben witter's power golf, all sorts of cool instructional videos and trick shot videos. hitting a pitched ball. this particular day in orlando, florida, he was with chris parish, he shot the video. chris, no slouch himself, holds three world records in water skiing. they were out there doing water skiing, in between skiing sessions i'll show you golf tricks if you don't plind. he was wowing everybody on the dock here. >> nice! >> what? >> awesome! >>> a classic muscle machine and it's dedicated to this girl. see the classic story, next time on "right this minute." >>> and still to come -- it's the prank where you just -- >> point at people for no reason. >> and people are not amused. >> see if the finger point pushes the wrong button. >> you're