possibility of change, of someone who speaks to them, in a way that john paul and benedict didn't speak to them. not because they were bad popeshaking things up. i've just got to say this because through the week there have been people who have been pushing back on what the pope said. who am i to judge? they will go to leviticus or find something that paul said. instead of going to, you know, the red letters, the actual words the gospel. it was not just jesus' words, it was jesus' life. he hung out with tax collectors who were the most despised, the most hated. the woman at the well. all the religious leaders were about to stone. and jesus just sat there. they said, what should we do? he just sat there and stared. he said, i'll tell you, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. you could hear all the rocks falling. that's the message this pope delivered. leave the judging to god. you worry about yourself. >> you're absolutely right. all those great examples you gave. he's doing it not just with his words but his actions. jesus is going out to people like the woman at the well, you know, the woman caught in adultery. the