something like... like benford's law. benford's law? that's a simple probability observation.not all it is. if you take any table of wide-ranging values-- census data, test results, land mass sizes-- 1 appears as the first digit in more than 30% of the values. 2 appears 17.6%. 3 appears 12.5%. and so on... larry: you know, the old story goes that simon newcomb discovered it by flipping through books of logarithm tables. he discovered that the earlier pages are more worn than the later ones. benford's law is not about conscious decision making. it is a statistical phenomenon. precisely. which is why it's highly unlikely that ron allen spent... nine years working at a specific theft?! i mean, after all, the most valuable machines today didn't even exist nine years ago. that's right. ron's knowledge base would pull him more toward one target than another. so, he opens his book of knowledge to a well-worn page where the spine is already cracked. university of hawaii's telescope. he worked with cosmic gravitation signatures. which explains his familiarity with ligo's raison d'etre.