one of the interesting things about jefferson, there was an individual named benjamin banneker. he was a prominent scientist to survey the land of washington dc. he was highly intelligent. publishing almanacs and scientific investigations. he chastised jefferson and said you cannot suggest that people of african descent are lower human beings. this is proof of their capabilities. jefferson wrote a very nice letter saying that sounds good. privately he corresponded with somebody else distancing himself from what banneker did. when the founding fathers were challenged, they were willing to concede is in the back of their minds they didn't. they were not willing to challenge the vast and powerful slaveowning interests. >> to say that i'm not a bad slave owner is like saying you're not a bad stormtrooper when you're off duty. slavery is not anything new in the world. there are many egyptian slaves. slavery in america was a different type of slavery. you could go back to wherever you are from. can you elaborate on how it was so much different from anywhere else in the world? dr. perr