benjamin barber.ll for being here today, thank you for attending. ♪ >> coverage from the sixth annual boston book festival continues. .. >> and vikram as a fiction writer who stumbled into nonfiction. sitting right next to him i have howard gardner who is a professor of cognition and education at the harvard graduate school of education and the author of "the app generation." and then i have judith donath, who is the founder of the social miss machine group. i'm going to invite the audience to participate as soon as i can. and we will begin by sure presentations at each of the authors and after that i will ask if you rest in. so we are going to begin with judith, please. >> hello. what i wanted to do will start by telling you some beautiful organisms that look like something you might see in the crib in ca. but they are actually visualizations and the artist based them upon different features of spam, how long it is, the words that are used, to determine the colors and how they grow. and in the online