, aldeburgh not entirely approving of benjamin britten and it made me very angry. make the maquette and, you know, the whole floor was covered in bits of scallop shell and all the rest of it. and then various people came to see it, including simon loftus, who was the chairman of adnams brewery at the time, and he liked it very much and said, "well, we'll have to get some money together to make it." and so we worked together and i'd begun to make sea paintings and there was a show of sea paintings at snape maltings and 200 quid went every time one sold towards the sculpture. and so people gave money. and so it wasn't... so you raised the money yourself? yeah, yeah. but i suppose what i was getting to is that that exposed you to a new level of sort of public scrutiny, because these are extremely well—known pieces that you're putting in very public places and that just sit there forever and people take a very strong view, both for and against. and for an artist, i wonder what it's like when, for example, the good old scallop shell has a petition against it in the comm