, the latter, benjamin cardoza, after heated executive senate consultation, similarly, president eisenhower's choices for the court included conservatives john harlan and charles whitaker. moderate stuart and liberals earl warren and william braddock. even president nixon, who showed no reluctance to take full advantage of presidential prerogatives, balanced his choices of conservative warren burger and william rehnquist with those of moderate republican harry blackmun and conservative democrat lewis foul. this has not been the model president reagan and bush have followed. indeed, even lacking the broad support for their vision of the court which presidents washington and adams, lincoln and grant and roosevelt and truman had, president reagan and bush have tried to recast the court in their ideological image. as these presidents did. put another way, this is not the first time attend him of presidents have sought to remake the supreme court, nor is it the first time that a divided government has had to fill a number of seats in that body. but it is the first time that both have