over here we have another soldier's story, in this case brigadier general benjamin davis. davis joined the army in 1898, fought in the philippines, and eventually moved his way up through the ranks to become the very first black general officer in the united states army's history. we have his entire collection here and as you can see here it includes medals, his ceremonial saber, his class a uniform. and of course we're very proud to have his collection here, especially for folks who want to come in and do research on the desegregation of the united states army. he was very instrumental in that process. after the interwar years the united states army entered world war ii and had to bring the army back up to strength very very quickly. in this case, you can see a soldier with his duffle bag ready, getting ready to go overseas to fight the german army, or perhaps the japanese. as we move through the exhibit, you can see that we had several different theaters in which these soldiers were shipping out to fight. each theater had its own uniform, its own tactics, its own way of