and, it will also highlight how that work has changed, from benjamin franklin to john kerry and beyond. that is an important part of the mission of the center. because, we want people who come to this center to understand what diplomacy is all about. what it has accomplished but how it has evolved. it is clear in today's world that we communicate differently. we have a lot of ways understanding what is happening in other parts of the world. but nothing substitutes for the professionals who are there to assist, every secretary of state, every president, in understanding what the backstory is, what's happening, sort of below the surface, to try to break through for those piece treaties or for breakthroughs in trade or human rights. for the united states that means we do have to build strong relationships, not only with governments but also with publics. this has been one of the major changes in the last decades. i kid in my book about how it would have been so difficult for all in henry to sneak away from pakistan to china when everybody in the world has a cell phone. so you have to thin