>> well, through generation, the grandparents' generations, benji's parent generation. and theyave different ideas of what iis to be african american, toe a professional. you know these..theewly emergent blackiddle-class of the 0s and '30s weredoing it for the first time. and when they were ming this community, ey were building it step by step. and then there's the... benji's parentgeneration, civil rights neration who find different ways to negoate bckness in america. and then there'she kids. these teenage who n '85 who grew up taking a lot of this r granted. and how does that play out? you know, the generation is dance ofgenerations. and sohe fun is trng to figureut what itas like to be a enager in the '80s but also how these kids t in with this lonline of african americans. >> rose: for benji andou, sag harboras home more than anywhere else. >> well, yeah, we moved around a lot when was a kid. sfrup one rental to another. >> yeah, more kids, bigger ace kids go off to college, smaller place. but the one conant was sag haor. and wh you... a lot of ki out the when you g