item 3a is benkyodo company. it was established in 1906 in the oldest japanese-american family owned business. it is the last remaining manufacture. mochi made of gluten rice. benkyodo company has been operating by three generations of the family presently owned by the founders grandchildren. the store closed when the family was in world war ii with over 100,000 other japanese-americans on the west coast. return after the war, they had neighbors who watched over their space and reopen their shop. item 3b is board of supervisors of the glide foundation. the organization commonly known as the glide foundation or glide was established in 1929 by philanthropist who purchased the land at 330 ellis street. glide provides shelter to hosting sunday celebrations to all walks of life without concern for race, creed, economic and social status s sexual orientation or gender identity. in 1963, cecil williams joined the organization creating a unique vision in uncomfortable love. currently there's a major tension between the