igniting a flurry of anger 3 leaderssnndooble-a-c-p president bennamin jealous says marriagg equalityyis a ccvil right.the announcement was made monday at tte -3 nn-ouble-a-ccp's national - headquurters in nnotheast baltimore.&3 (roslyn)"for us, a civil standing under the -3 constitution and not in a &reeigiouu forrm on this issue." &pissue."(rev eemett burns) an issue beyondd hat naacpp needs to be.. &pn-double-a-c-p--leaders aa &pthey hooe membbrr can 3 3 it's viilence like thiss.. that has onee tate lwmaker &pcalling for bltimore mayyr stephanie rawwings blake to resign. 3 fight nats nats 3 this is theedisturbing -3& video... of a touuist beingg & beaten, robbed and stripped on the streets of baltimorreon ssint patricks day.turns out thhree ere áhundredsá of young - people downtown that night. delegatt pat mcdonougg says mayor stephanie rawlings blake -3 should resign unless she calls 3 citt-wwde curfew. e also usee racially chhrged lannuuge to make his poiit last week... calling for policeeto control "black youth mobss" 3 pi am not going t go away. if ruuber llg republican thats sofa