that is from kia morris from bennington, vermont. she says -- and i quote -- "when i was pregnant i had a tooth infection that i had got into my hreufrpl nodes and i needed a root canal but adult medicaid has a $495 cap which wasn't enough. dental care shouldn't be a luxury." what she is saying is that in vermont and in many other states where you do have medicaid helping out for dental care for low-income people, there is often a cap, and that cap is much too low to provide the services that many folks need. the bottom line, mr. president, is that we have a crisis in terms of access to dental care in this country. we lag behind many other countries around the world in that regard. we have many, many people who have no dental insurance at all. some who do have dental insurance, such as my family, have very limited coverage. i think it's about $1,000 a year. meanwhile the cost of dental care is sky-high. we are also going to explore why that is sure. i'm not sure that i understand or many people understand why dental care is as expens