and if you were in the charismatic space, we may forget benny hinn was here paula white was here, an institution these major christian organized nations began to relocate to orlando, florida. so in the nineties reformed theological seminary came here campus crusade for christ. the largest church missions organization in world, relocated to orlando and then a litany of other ministries like ligonier pioneers, wickliffe and others began to relocate their headquarters here. well. well, fast forward to a bahner report in 2017 and we learn that the orlando metropolitan area a seven county area has the same percentage of evangelical ills as new york city and seattle. and so mike and i were really affected by that report and began to think through orlando and began to think through why is it that we feel so much different than new york city and seattle? and it wasn't to see that the majority of people who we interacted with who did not go to church used to so in new york city and seattle is very different. people have grown up their whole life, maybe never even been inside a church, but a l