benny potter, yes. i actually agree with that.think instead of easing the characters into the old core fan base and i feel they are just backing out too early. now that they have done it, they are not letting it go all the way through. what about the first muslim superhero to have her own name? do you think that she will be a big seller? it does not appear to be so. she is one of the more popular characters, kamala khan. some of her stories are some of the best ones that have been put out in recent years. in that case, what do you think the right strategy should be, given that, by and large, it is not about the comics, it is about the movies to come. they have to bed these things down and what is the best way to go about it? the best way to go about it is to actually commit to building a broader audience and that would be breaking things down to the very basic level. for example, the way the comics are distributed to something called the direct market and the way that works is basically that the only things that count towards sale