10 rules you must follow to protect yourself from america's number one crime he's attorney bentley university professor and your guardian at scam aside dot com stephen jay jay wiseman steve this just in with the new disney plus video service off to such a start you are reporting that within hours of launch thousands of account holders discovered their accounts have been hacked and the access to their accounts denied what happened and how are those subscribers at risk. you know the interesting thing is this is a really good example of a problem that we all face so the disney plus streaming service was something that a lot of people were looking forward to they signed up for it right away and then bam within hours thousands of the accounts were hacked and the people as you say couldn't get access so how they do it well with all of the data breaches that we have some of the information that's out there on the dark way of where the bad guys buy and sell things are plenty of passwords that we used for these hacked websites so what happens is these are up for sale and a lot of hackers just bought t