a little bit southwest of modern bentonville. right there, then and there, on the spot, galvanized by this amazing information, vandorn practically leapt off the bed and announced that the next morning, the army of the west would march north and drive the federals out of the way and return to missouri. the next morning. okay. the plan to the degree that he had a plan was that the confederates would march straight north and reach the town square in bentonville. precisely where sam walton has his wal-mart memorial museum today. complete with puickup truck why? the only east-west road that linked the two wings of the union army passed through the town square of bentonville. if vandorn could march north, seize bentonville, the town square, and the road, the two halves of the union army would be separated, he could swing west, crush one half commanded by general franz siegel, the nonenglish speaking half, and then swing back and crush general curtis' half at cross hollows. see, nothing to it. easy. you can almost imagine, vandorn bubb