>> well, first of all, i think, you know, remember when lloyd bentsen had breakfast with some lobbyists and there was a big brouhaha when he was about to become treasury secretary, he said when i make a mistake, it's a beaut. and it went away. i also think if i would have been prepping him, i wouldn't have let him, in his response, refer to the, quote, jewish lobby because that creates another sound bite. don't do that. just say i know there's some controversy about what i said, and i never should have said that, let's move on, and then turn the corner to the fact that iran is now -- iran, just in the last 24 hours, announced that they are upgrading their centrifuges to produce more enriched uranium. turn it to that, and say but let's talk about the real issue which is iran and the threat that iran poses and get on the record on that. >> i'm always struck, donny deutsch, in high-stakes hearings like this when somebody falls on their face, and in large part chuck hagel's situation here, because they were ill prepared. how easy would it have been -- i'll just say it -- for you or me to si