. >> i mean is there any new information that you feel that could beooked at i'm asking the department. >> if you were to send it back to the department. >> and director sharing or something. >> you could be responding to basically one of the two items, that the appellant has proposed. the other item there posing is a third property that may be effected by this. >> right. >> are you addressing that issue? >> yes. that's what i'm asking. is there something else to look at whether that third property is involved, in termses of property lines? >> because getting into property line issues is something we avoid um, the only change i could see if you send it back to the department would be having a discussion with the neighboring property. i acknowledge the situation you are in, you've got two properties before you there is a third property that is being referred to but you are in the dark what is going on with that property. you are kind of at a disadvantage. if all three properties were before you, maybe it might make your situation more clear. >> right. right. >> that is not for me to say