we've heard it many times, and i'll repeat it, yogi bera famously said this. it's deja vu all over again, mr. president, and it really is, mr. president. we've seen this before, deja vu all over again. the ryan budget will shower more tax breaks on millionaires and tax breaks on millionaires and >> now, i know that congressman ryan held out to be this cool, d understand, things so well, buto he understands gimmicks, and that's what he's done so well, le pull the wool over the eyes in the people of the house. they continue to follow him,used but, mr. president, his budget is anything but balanced, anything but fair, and members, the house should look what they are led into or out of. this plan, just like last year refused to close a single tax loophole to reduce the deficit.s they have education, scientific research, and job cleaning energy technology. the ryan budget ends it andwave. force seniors into a voucher foe program. it would prevent health care like cancer screenings, charge seniors more for prescription, a further reduces the funding forf food inspec