on the right is the same elm. what natalya and marya solved, and berast the dachshund - this tree isy, the malays, the correct adkaz, the words of the sharshatka, i am a dachshund of paradise, i am a slave and a padumite, why am i a muggle slave, from metal, from the school, from the tree , from the tree, from the knowledge of the village. words, uvaga garnushak, isto geta, geta garshchok, uzgorak, dalon tsi lapats, kali weasel, hanna, on my thought, geta garshok, correct adkaz, malaychyna, i stalosya, dzyauchaty, all hell of a word, pyachora - geta strava, zhivela, grotto, tsі... Інў hanna, workman, what is it, wrong adkaz, pyachora - geta grotto, pa-ruska - pishchera, pa-belaruska - pyachora, empty prastora fallen in the earth near the mountain massif. ay, what are our sonny gulets, the most modern, shanoun hanna, galina, this applause for you, forefather, kali weasel. grooming another for the rakhunka competition galina and natalia 100 points maryya ganna 80. their skin begins to grow stronger every day, after visiting the forest you come out as a completely different person, char