on tuesday, i spoke to his friend bereket sibhatu.eket sibhatu was not alerted when zeresenay was transferred nor was he told his friend was going to be deported. here you speaking tuesday about his friend zeresenay ermias testfatsion. he had a hope and he was a very nice guy. he became a friend. he even helped his friend there in detention. he would give them encouragement, one day this was all going to be ovever, we are going to be ok, we're in ththe right country. we have a peace of mind right now and just wait for the day to come up from here. then one day they will get together and we will talk about what happened in the story. he had a dream. amamy: did he tell you what he most feared if you were deported to eritrea? >> what he said in his testimony -- they y ask him what would happen if you went back to eritrea. , i might go to jail or tortured, might even get killed. amy: do o you believe the u.s. supporting zeresenay was a death sentence for him? >> that is what i believe know eritreaey right now, you cannot be deported, why