these are the apiaries that the manufacturer of this house, berendey, in tver, i alone bought a pavilionst i already did with my own hands. look great like an astronaut. here it is us a smoker, here we kindle, birch bark. well , you are welcome, wow. that's cool. stunned. now breathe. enjoy the life of bees from the inside. there is a bee's nest here. here they breed, lay their larvae, and the upper part, they already carry honey, the honeycombs themselves, here they see these frames. yes, right, as already, that is. they are now blinding him there, already like this, if you look closely. see here full-fledged frames already with honey. as your apiary winters, i put a heater here, set it to 2 ° heat and all winter increase the temperature so that the bee consumes less food, the bee is not afraid of the cold, the bee is afraid of hunger. now, if you, let's say, didn't prepare it for the winter, it may die. listen, how do you get me from here, and the honey is very easy to get, that is, we open open any and get it from the moment. they all start. pollen, here it is on legs here, if you hig