scientific business, a structural subdivision of the bereznensky biosphere reserve, is engaged in scientificity direction in the activity of the reserve. we are also engaged in botanical research , zoological botanists study both rare plants listed in the red book and invasive ones that came to us with more of the southern territories zoologists ornithologists entomologists explore the world of birds the world of insects our triologists are engaged in the study of small rodents, and for all kinds of carnivorous animals, as well as large predators, also included in the red book. this is badger bear. rat. all areas of the reserve are equipped with photo traps, with the help of which we can also conduct research and assess the abundance and density. populations, and animals on the territory of the reserve there are so-called trial plots, on which regularly, if it is an object of study botanists, yes, then our botanists go there with a certain frequency. to find a rare plant, but first, you need to study the literature consider. maybe some articles that will give us the opportunity to direct us