. >> bergrin and 50 units and all the residents will be affected. most of them are low to moderate income residents and they can afford this increase. in fact there was a mayor's meeting last week. a lot of the residents said they will be homeless at this rate hike goes up. you get an idea of the legality of this i went to speak with a lawyer kevin orr. he specializes in turn outlaw. he told me is never heard of and increase the side. >> i don't think it's normal at all. it's shocking that my rent is going to go up 90%. >> camera is as legal or not? >> it's a questionable issue. into a mortgage and without mortgage they provide moderate income housing. now the landlord is saying they need more rants and more income in order to pay for what's there is at an operational costs. they have to prove that to the state in order to up the rent. i hate to be a cynic but people have been dealing with this for years. it's a landlord's prerogative to raise the rent you. >> standard rent hikes are about 30%. this is 90%. this is almost unheard of. >> the question