for example, in bergson's sangri early 19th century. they made i feel a sense of humor in the general assessment of a person’s personality, then this phenomenon was studied by chapman here and holstein , however, despite the many studies that have been and are still being conducted , there is no clear and specific understanding of what a sense of humor is, there is no most clinical psychologists. they say that a sense of humor is a complex synthetic quality of a person, consisting of a set of properties, and here is a set of these properties in different psychological schools, someone considers a sense of humor as ordinary behavioral pattern, that is, the habit of often laughing and telling jokes, while other researchers studying the sense of humor come to the conclusion that this temperature is before experiencing difficulties by patients. at the same time, all psychologists agree that it is necessary to study humor as a complex, this is also evidenced by the general interdisciplinary approach, in which the analysis of this feeling is