with a good thing should be an open landscape that would scatter tribes blue shoes for trees tiny bergson lakes sense the dream grass why do they mow the grass and the corpse you may ask that's because there were millions of early wars in the old days you'll get that all you have a cup ras was there staple food it's the sort of landscape that man is used to i'm comfortable here i'm trying to recreate the natural environment in which my distant ancestors lived. so cool the arctic steps existed in the north thousands of years ago an abundance of food attracted numbness and other have with those. early man quickly followed suit. today most of the people living in this rugged region of mine precious metals. this is a gold mining field and to call to cut in russia is far east ironically it is because of the gold industry that mammoths have been found scraping off the top layer of permafrost in search of mineral wealth revealed these prehistoric names but sometimes they emerge naturally. you know people don't know why permafrost sometimes looks to forms it's because there's a foreign object lying und