paul island, smack in the middle of the bering sea.f, the four men on board are in trouble. >> i got a phone call that said, hey, we've got a fishing vessel that's trapped in the ice in st. paul, and we need you to go up there. >> gooth and her crew will have to fly 600 miles to get to the ship, which will take them six hours. meanwhile, the coast guard cutter rushes toward st. paul island, muscles in as close as it can, and tries firing tow lines across the ice to the alaskan monarch, but it doesn't work. lieutenant commander gooth's chopper is half an hour from the island when she begins hearing radio transmissions from the two ships. >> we hear the captain from the monarch telling them we're coming close to the rocks, we're putting our survival suits on. when we heard them say, "survival suits on," that keys us to say, this is not a salvage anymore, boys, we'd better be ready for a rescue. >> by the time laura gooth maneuvers her chopper over the bow of the monarch, four crewmen are ready to leave the ship. while the crew's being re