. >> we are now passing through the narrowest part of the bering strait, where we've got the united states to my left, and to my right, just 50 miles away, is russia. now during these warmer months hundreds of ships are passing through here, and that number is expected to rise as the levels of sea ice recede. and the bering strait is important to more than just ships - it is also a major migration way for hundreds of thousands of marine mammals every year. >> plan is to finish the brief here and then go in to the launch and recovery of the puma unmanned aircraft. >> it's just before 8:00am, july 9th... time to find out what this mission is all about. healy's first test of the day... an automatic capture system for a remote controlled aircraft. >> equipment? how confident are we in the machinery we're using, how reliable is it? >> before every operation, a briefing is held to determine risk. everyone involved gets to weigh in. >> i see a three... four. >>the higher the number, the higher the risk. >> i recommend we proceed sir. >> there will be a lot of traffic coming through here and with