berivan: i am berivan. i am 27 years old. i grew up in syria. i studied english and linguistics. also playing and studying music. in 2010 when the revolution started in damascus, most of us were thinking that even though we know that we might not win, but at least we just, we are trying, you know? it was at night when they came. i just saw men, like really like tall men with weapons. and, you know, they have masks. then they took me. first day they were really aggressive. why you are not virgin? you are such a whore. like, you don't marry and you-- you know, like, for me it was really shame, you know, really harm, like, why are you asking me this? and there was like an imam was just trying to orient me islam and how to be good woman. at that time i was really, really scared that they will marry me to a sheikh or like to a leader and then this will be the end. rabiaa: my first impression about berivan was she was a very strong activist in syria, but that she lost all the hope due to the war. berivan: at that time, actually i lost my belief and my trust of international organizatio