i thought berkshire hathoway was that kind of a company. it wasn't much of a puff either. >> so your company is named berkshire hathoway, you sold that many years ago. did you think of changing the name? >> no. i don't do much of that. >> so when you started, originally you were buying stocks, but then you started buying companies. was that a different skill set? how did you learn to buy and operate these? >> when i buy 100 shares of xyz i look at it as buying the whole company. so i've always looked at buying stocks as buying businesses so it wasn't a different situation. i couldn't resell it and i couldn't -- if i owned the stock i couldn't change management which i could if i owned the company but it was basically the same approach. i'm a better investor because i'm a business person and i'm a better business person because i'm an investor. they cross over. >> berkshire hathoway has how many companies? >> about 75 but some of those own more companies. >> so 75 companies, you have about -- >> 270,000 employees. >> how do you manage? you h