markedly the un counts more than half a 1000000 at present but how do you get old and stay young berliner leopold kollek is $102.00 and still giving swimming lessons. the local find it maybe they won't sell the same teacher at the grand old age of 100 into his still given classes every week in the school in body. swimming is space. for head coach so maybe doing sports is one of the biggest joys in life. by. keeping fit has certainly helped to keep you know young. the full metal worker who wanted to stay active when he retired 14 years ago. he qualified as a singing instructor and has been teaching children ever since. i was just nothing with the kids i do it all for free. tonight. more than a 1000 children have taken to the water the. kids age doesn't bother them. how old is leona. and how you didn't choose. but he's really helpful and very patient. if you leave it to the teachers thank. you. thank you my. teacher that. little blue school x. are full of admiration. they were fearful it's all we're very proud to have him for he so fit i. he has a great sense of humor and is wonderful with children keeps