hey have emerged in berma. leadership military accountable for what is happening in the area. the world cannot just stand idly by and be witness to the atrocities that are being reported in the area. what we have encouraged the military to do, as far as we understand, we have serious rebelry arrests -- terrorists. you must be restrained and how you deal with those and allow access in this region again so we can get a full accounting of the circumstances. us who read this recent story in the new york times, it had to tear your heart out to read this. we have been asking for access to the region and we have been able to get a couple of our people from our nbc and to the region so we can begin to get our own first-hand account of what is occurring. we are encouraging access to the aid agencies, the red cross, the red crescent, and you and agencies.- u.n. more importantly, so we can get a full understanding of what is going on. government. how they are going to deal with this very serious issue. we are deeply engaged, we are engaged with others and we are going to be engaged with