. >> commissioner bermejo is excused. >> commissioner hunter here and commissioner sullivan and commissioner wald and commissioner wan we have quorum next teleconferenced meetings under california government code section 54953(e). speaker: kyle wehner,commission affairs officer. the item for discussion and action and consider the adoption making the finding for tied to allow the commission to hold meeting under the law without the brown act requirements. >> all right. motion from commissioner sullivan. do i have a second? >> second from the commissioner wald any further discussion? commissioners here we go communication and begin with the meeting room and once a comment is completed any members of the public who are present in the room wish to speak if so come forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic. >> seeing none, to remote public comment. >> members of the public who wish to make a comment is now press star three to be added to the cue and those on hold please continue to wait until your turn to wait and pause for a quick moment for the access code is on the screen. >> and seein