there's been conspiracies that will just buy s&ps when the market starts going down >> in august 2010 when then chair fed ben bernankeabout qe2 as a way -- as he used the asset markets for economic outcomes, he said it's about benefits, costs, and risks remember these three words benefits, costs, and risks the longer you do it, the lower the benefits the higher the costs you can't do it forever. you can't have protection. you can't do this stuff forever. there is unintended consequences, and that is misbehavior that occurs, but you just hope you can validate the funds. >> just hard to realize when you have crossed over. >> correct >> to the point. i think with our deficit, it's the same kind of thing we're at $20 trillion. if you just threw caution to the wind, we could spend money on a lot of stuff god all mighty, think what we could do if we had a limitless -- we do have a limitless supply because we can sell more bonds. we can always -- the federal government is the debt it's going to be, you know, wherer you're going to be able to replace the existing debt by selling new bonds. >> you do think it's going to come