c-span: you mentioned bernard baruch. that went on longer than the randolph churchill affair. >> guest: yes. the bernard baruch affair, as such, didn't go on; the li--the friendship was lifelong until he died in his 90s. hey were always friends. c-span: stop--let me just--i'll mention--who was bernard baruch? >> guest: oh, i'm sorry. bernard baruch was c--a so-called speculator. he's a man who knew wall street who became something of an--of an adviser on economics to presidents--presidents wilson and president roosevelt and hoover and various others. but she fell in love with him because he was much older. she'd h--she'd lost her father when she was very young, so he was something of a father figure as well as a mentor. he taught her about politics and economics. and also he was not obtainable. so anybody who was not attainable for clare became the one that wa--was most desired. so although they had a small fling in the--in the early '30s, it didn't go on for very long because he was so much older than she was. c-span: an