it seems to me the key was the amazing chemistry you developed with your partner in music, bernard edwardsd you who founded chic. correct. we need to talk about chic. when you talk about being the number one, chic were described as the number one disco band in the world in late 70s. what was the essence of the chic sound? there was a certain raw honesty to our style of grooving. it was based on, sort of, jazz, harmonic movements, chord changes... but we didn't base the chic sound on traditional blues or gospel. that was probably the biggest difference between us and a lot of other r&b groups. we were going for a more refined sound. even though we were raw and we did everything the way everyone else did, we approached it with an air of sophistication that wasn't quite in vogue just yet. or we didn't know if it would be in vogue. i tell you what, cast your eyes to that screen — we will take you down memory lane. this is from 1979, this is le freak. # have you heard about the new dance craze? # listen to us, i'm sure you'll be amazed... # big fun to be had by everyone... # it's up to you, it