deadline from julian lagos on behalf of save parkmerced, alani, from part of the coalition and bernard showdon, and maria atlanta guerrero engberg, an individual. substantial numbers of the comments in the appeal letters express opposition to the proposed project or critique features of the project and do not raise questions about the accuracy or adequacy of the e.i.r. and would be appropriately considered by the board in its consideration of proposed development agreement and other project approvals but not to remain to the question at hand which is the adequacy of the e.i.r. some comments raise concerned about the planning commission's findings related to its action to approve the proposed project including the separate findings required by ceqa guidelines section 15091. these findings are not the subject of appeal before the board because they are legally required project entitlement findings and not findings related to the adequacy of the environmental review. an appeal of the planning commission certification is related to issues of the accuracy and objectives of the final e.i.r. objectiv