orber years, and it's going to be a resource center. >> we've been talking here on booktv with bernice kingthe dahterof sefet t , a b tey nt er caretta scott king and there's an afterward by ms. king. "theesert rose: l >>'r wininie om ykty t publishing industry's national trade show. bopoicm.nformation visit haeyoad t erooan t ow ll i ade this summer i'm focused on chris prenvo oinnew bookn perm hnkey, ivee oke. j kennedy, elusive hero, and one of the great things about being chairman of the caucus is we get to bring people in to talk about th boks,nd alme ake t br cossh af spouses as well, and what was an incrible evening where people got to ask questions, ect., and see therlde douc -eas incredible research and interviews. it's a book you can read over and over again, and so very propriate for summer reing, key've sas witpresen on hopny, and we'd be okay. that's one of the books i'm reading. another pers who's been in our asin t toi - ro la. ani so bre e caucus now. her own personal story as someone who grewupn, n jsh dnthoew ira w lyo eetlo vts that go on in iran, and w this is fiction as