we had an example on this side of the river with giuliani, that he tolerated bernie carrick, who ultimatelym to the biggest security job in the united states at a time -- >> homeland security secretary, that's right. >> he was a krocrony, it was covered up. he had a pad above ground zero. after 9/11, carrick did. so it always comes out badly. it's interesting to me that giuliani was one of the few republicans who rushed to christie's defense over the weekend. but this kind of -- you know, there's always a comeuppance, go back to jimmy walker, mayor of new york. things have happened in many states in the country. this kind of thing usually explodes in the end. >> i find this saga in new jersey to be fascinating, even totally independent of chris christie's presidential hopes. and he does clearly want to run for president. he does seem like, at least before all this happened, the republican other than rand paul most likely to run for president. but a lot of national discussion about it, as the national press sort of picked it up delatedly has been asserting kind of breezily that chris christi